We offer a wide selection of Certified Fair Trade Organic Coffees. We have made the commitment to offer Fair Trade Certified Coffees. Farming families of these coffees receive fair prices for their harvest, which provides them with reasonable wages, better healthcare facilities, and schools for their children, training in organic farming techniques, and financial support. These coffees are Fair Trade Certified by TransFair USA, an independent non-profit organization that monitors and certifies Fair Trade products in the United States.
All of our coffees are available in 2 & 5lb bags either Whole Bean or Ground
Now offering Amazon Pay or PayPal payment options on these fine coffees.
Breakfast Brew FTO
Cappuccine Blend FTO
French Roast FTO
Italian Roast FTO
Mexican Ultra FTO
Rainforest FTO
Sumatran FTO
Velvet Hammer FTO
Vienna Roast FTO
SAMPLE OUR COFFEES: If you are interested in one of our coffees and want to try it note the kind and we will try to send you a sample pack with your order.